Our Services
Self regulation
Self-regulation is the ability to manage your emotions, thoughts, choices, behaviors, and impulses. There are several layers to self-regulation that impact a child’s ability to easily regulate themselves. These areas can include…
Sensory processing
Primitive reflex integration
Mindfulness and self-reflection
Executive functioning
Children having difficulty with self-regulation can struggle with school or appear to have outbursts out of nowhere. In most cases, these children are overwhelmed and need help developing strategies to better manage the world around them!
Fine Motor & Upper Extremity
Fine motor and upper body strengthening are incredibly important skills for children to learn and grow!
By developing gross motor and upper extremity strength, children can improve their…
Build core strength and stability
Develop coordination and control
Increase muscle strength
Promote bilateral coordination
By developing their fine motor skills, children can improve their…
Academic readiness
Self-care abilities
Cognitive development
Social and emotional abilities
Executive Functioning
Executive functioning is a set of cognitive skills that help you function in everyday activities. You use these skills to make and carry out goals, solve problems, make decisions, and control our impulses and emotions. Executive functioning skills are essential for success at home, in the community, at school, and at work. These skills include the following…
Emotional regulation
Inhibitory control
Working memory

Beehive Therapy Also Addresses Daily Living Skills
This includes many day to day activities…
Please reach out to learn more or if you have any questions!